Pisces is the fish swimming against each other, the paradox of the duelistic multiverse.
All things Pisces gain attention at this Lunar eclipse
Pisces is ruled by Jupiter.
Neptune is also in Pisces and is considered very much at home there.
Like King Neptune ( Roman),
Poseidon ( Greek) & Varuna (Vedic) they all lord over the Sea, floods, drought, earthquakes, and horses.
Neptune is associated with deceit, deception fruad and swindling when operating in its dark form( and so is Rahu, so we have big mobs of it going down ) . while the higher octave promotes altruism, devotion, spirituality and interest in the mystery of existence, mysticism, inspiration, the unconscious, altered states, dreams, psychic ability & visions & other things nebulous like spirits ghosts demons etc.
While in this earthly realm, Neptune manifests in the arts, music, dance, drama, and especially film and photography.
Pisces loves escape, and so does Rahu.
So good use is .. DANCE, VISUAL ARTS, FILM, MUSIC, AND PHOTOGRAPHY are now inspired and favoured, especially if it's mystical, magical, fanciful,faraway places and /or ocean theme.
Pitfalls =
Eclipses cloud our minds.. the energy is obscured. This is why we vedic astrologers say make no major decisions or plans during eclipse periods. Because our thinking is warped and our desires are strong.
Eclipses skew our perceptions too, so you think it's a
Generally, 10 days on either side of the eclipse, the intensity approaches/increases.
The lunar eclipses 17th /18th of September
10 days out is the 7th of Sept in Oz.
10 days, the other of the New Moon Solar eclipse is Oct 12/13. This is like the shadow zone. Window of strangeness.
Within September 17/18 and October 2/3 is when the 2 week portal between eclipses occurs... This is the fortnight of the ancestors and is particularly good for Ancestors appeasement. If you perform Tarpanam once a year, then Oct new Moon IS THE DATE.
The energy within this fortnighy is also transformative and turbulent, and everything becomes really obscured!!!
For example, the best laid plans may not go so well...
You can make plans, but they might not stick, you see, or they just dont gel. So BE FLEXIBLE!!!
Even now, the eclipse energy is kicking in, so I mean you can make some plans, but so long as they're not set concrete, as unexpected changes are part n parcel of eclipse season.
People melt down if it doesn't go their way. People get out right abusive and aggressive!! We are all going to have to be calm n non reactive.. we need to adopt a flexible and adaptable mind set so we can make changes as we navigate this tricky time frame.
However if, for example, you are making a major purchase of a house where you can't be flexible or adaptable, I would definitely put that off! Things will be hidden !!
A month, either the side of the eclipse, the bigger the decision, the bigger the orb or the time frame away from the eclipse, so it hopefully won't go pareshaped.
Over the years, I've experimented on myself to test the eclipses. (DO NOT DO THIS AT HOME!)
Rahu will eclipse the coming full moon.
They are full on bitter enemies in a vague place that can create confusion and at worse deception fruad and big scandals..
Reckon there will be one or two.
This energy brings insatiable hunger, magnetic attractions (that eventually swing to repulsion), unbridled desires, excessive attachment, and generally bad karmic actions that knock us off our path churn us up and spit us out....
Rahu accumulates karma via bad action and bad language. Less said the better in eclipse season. Words create conflicts.
The teaching without words and the benefit of taking no action are without compare in the universe.
Rahu is an insatiable desire that is NEVER satisfied...he can't get NO SATISFACTION.
Always wants more....always hot an EXCUSE !!!
Rahu casts shadows, illusions & makes trouble & brings drama. He yokes you to your shadow. It's a shadowy planet that involves laying blame, accusations, playing the victim and self pity ( no one suffers like Rahu...you don't understand!! Kind of thing).
Rahu eclipses the Moon brings trouble to prominent women.
Rahu encourages debt ( sin now, pray later).
Rahu is the debt driven world of screens .. we are living not in a Barbie world.. BUT 👹a RAHU👺 WORLD !! 👻
Rahu rules foreigners who will feature extensively with this eclipse.
Rahu wants it all but not keen on working for it. It would rather rob & steal scam deceive and bend every rule.
Rahu possesses you via desire by attaching to you not unlike parasites & sucking you dry...
Rahu is parasitic … they all flourish in eclipses.
When was the last time you wormed yourself? Pets ?
Rahu brings disturbances from poisons, insects, rodents, and reptiles and gives skin disease....
Rahu behaves in a plague like way, where he comes in, takes over, takes everything and hollows out, and weakens the host.
Rahu pretends to be something it's not.
Rahu drags you to make more karmic debt via words, boasting, exhibitionism, anger, egotism, miserliness, envy, excessive hatred, arrogance and impertinence
Rahu has been with Neptune in the constellation of PISCES... WHICH RULES OUR FEET. Rahu eclipses the Moon Sept 17 /18.
Pisces is our UNDERSTAND ings.
Faith is required now.. download and keep it close.
FAITH protects our inner work.
Depending on external things now can lead to not so good an outcomes...things are getting unstable and change is coming!
Rely on inner strength now.
Self care plan ? Get one to use when you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed...
Painful lessons in school of hard knocks now incoming...
Personal failure is not necessarily a foregone conclusion!!!. Life's lessons are often painful - that's just the way it is, and you are not to blame for it.
Maybe don't go there...wait and see.
Venus is also involved in this eclipse bringing intense situations with others.
If you made a promise keep it !!
Any inconsistency will be attacked by others...if you cannot do what you say your going to ...expect arguments
During eclipses our reactions and moods are irritated and as unpredictable as the reactions of others around us, the trick is to stay centred and grounded in the NOW. Stick to FACTS and logic it through to the end.
Keep will power strong and expectations small. We can develop our potential now.
If overwhelming situations may arise that require immediate action , calm will be your superpower!
🕉May this Lunar eclipse liberate you from suffering.
🙏 May you become free of entanglements.
❤️May irritating obstacles be removed.
💛May the solution to your problems be revealed.
🧡 May the knot that binds you be loosened.
👣May this eclipse releive any tension/s.
the Barefoot Vedic Astrologer
I read, I read with a wistful smile
I wonder willfully all the while
If this be DOOM
Or just a test.
Rainbow coloured demons
Dance on my bed
I scream a single word